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Kiss Tha RAIN

FFM-(frisbee freindly match)

Had a frisbee friendly match today..
aha...no nid to think bout the result lar..
we just enjoy the match n gain the experience from it...

just b4 the match start..
CBU frisbee team member...
u just saw the pic...
mostly 1 head taller than us...
this is 1 reason tat we lose....

Both trainer having a speech...

the team captain with cs...
the guy very strong....

b4 they going back..
INTI gav them some of our frisbee as solvenior n we drop down our signature+email add...
they'r nice....
we nid to improve much...
still hav a long way to reach their level....T.T

EARLY birthday parttiiieee...

actuallly my birthday not so fast lar...
but frisbee team member celebrated n gave me a surprise party...
first havta thx to all my senior n Mr Edmund for giving me a great memorable time...
tho....and thx to ur nice small cup cake...really delicious~~^_^

hope u all play well tomorrow..
will be dere to joy...!!!!