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Kiss Tha RAIN

1st day of PCB

3days' PCB workshop started 2day...
everything was new for me...
i should work hard...
the workshop take us from morning 9 till evening 5....
bit sleepy n tired ler...
n the most desperate thing is this...
this plate of rice "full-filled"my stomach for whole evening...
n this is my breakfast+lunch...
beh tong~~......bigBITE ar bigBITE~~~...T.T
after the brucnh....
guess how many we ate this???...
n we bought 4packs..
i & wong finish all of them within 3+ hour...
imagin we still 2 more days to go n everyday we take this amount of snacks...
i think b4 our sem reopen we already hospitalize...=.=
2more days to go...




this morning....
went jogggg...

Gab Ck n Lyk

after.. breakfast.....
n we 1st experiences of buying 4D..
gab ask me to edit the face..he duwan let ppl know who is tat...

we bought 8570..lyk's motor plate...his lucky cham....hah
only me is the survivor...sad case...
summon so many zombiess n tanker...
bo die oso ke....=.=


all in one DAY...

actually everything go smooth with ah wooi's plan..go Pantai Keracut n over-night dere..
due to heavy rain yesterday morning...
the plan cancel n discuss another new 1....down~~

the LARGEST internet cafe i ever seen....

reaching tua chiak's house...
at a quiet...Malay resident area....

tua chiak's toilet bowl...
high-tech 1...
can wash after ** without using hand..
provide ass-dryer too..^_^
still can change the temperature of the bowl...warm to cold o cold to warm...
never c this b4...strange....

Guess who is this...
if correct he/she willl giv u a kiss...

time for suggestion....
we reach wei's house bout 2...
wooi & hooi reached after us....
start to plan another better place to enjoy....
the whether is hot...make us feel uncomfortable.....
so decide to stay a little while.....
Lastly.....too tired.......with two PIGSSS..............surrender..

n a C-Kpek.......high-spirit...

bout 4 after lunch...
proceed to beach for our 1st destination....
damn stupid idea........
went dere to absord Vitamin D n strong radioactive...=.=

swimming suit??pant o only underwear????

our 2nd place...Teluk Bahang Dam
we reach bout 5...
fresh air n strong wind...^_^~

untill the night falllllll~~~

Gangster Dinner.....
cooked & prepared by Wei's mom...
really appreciate for her concern...
but...she really over-estimate ler....
we only 7 ppl...
not every1 like wei mer...=.=cooked till so many...

n now....10pm...night.....
an amazing...interesting...bravo....
great.....relax.....fishing time.....
yupyup....it's night fishing time....
n y wooi n hooi prepared all those fishing equipment whole afternoon..
was our 1st experiences...so very exciting n quite fun...
we walk along the jeti n go straight on the jambatan untill a distance from the sea-side...
was very dark n scary....mostly cant walk without a torchlight...


candle light dinner...with Guo Ji~~

n the most exciting part....
WE CAUGHT A BIG...BIG....BIG.....!!!!!!!!...ntg....just for fun=.=
from left...wooi...peng...wong....yik...
1st Fish....

2nd 1....
n the last fish for whole night standing on the bridge...=.=
overall...3 fishes caught....
the funniest things were when we threw the bite to the sea...
n we always hit the roof n the bite stuck on it....
we hit not only 1 o 2 times...
we hit almost all of the time...still after a few times trail....
wooi said he not going to return untill he caught 1....
but at last...
we convince him to go home...
he did tat.....
but b4 go back..he shout at toward the fish..."u CB fish~~...."
haha....n now he willing to follow us.....
the night time....
3 in the middle of the night.....
everything with games.....
untill 5..
all shut down....~~
our own-MADE...INTI--HIGH.....


went out for dinner with Peng n Yinze...
thought where to eat but yinze brought us some coupon...
is a 恒毅校友organise义卖会's coupon..
tot is a better place for us to hav our lucnh....
free eh....

reach dere...
really crowded.............tat time already 9....
so we speed up n search sumthing to eat......
ntg to eat...all finished....

round again.....
walk....end up buy this 1.....
bought all this with RM20...
n our supper.....
6boxes of kuih...
went the coffee shop to eat....
useless to stand dere n search....
n these 6 boxes are not enuf to fullfill our stomach...
well~~funny things happend...
the hawkers dere ask us izit we sell those kuih??
haha...not only 1 ask us but a few of them..
n we giv them sum...
cant finish by only 3 of us...>_<
after enjoy our meal..
went Sunshine farlim to buy our stuff...
2moro's junk foods n snacks...
n our maid of the day..
proudly introduce....
Soo YINZE...

ps...:DILLAN!!..the kuih sedap tak??hope ur stomach didnt ache lar!!!