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Kiss Tha RAIN


Tagged by Zhi Ee .
A special tag .
The rules are :
Copy to your own note, erase my answer, and enter yours .
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions .
They have to be real, nothing made up !
If the person before you had the same first initial,you must use different answers .
You cannot use any word twice & you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question .
1. What is your name : Jia Yik[Y]
2. A four letter word : Yo-yo
3. A boy's name : Yung Berg
4. A girl's name : 丫头
5. An occupation : Yodeler
6. A colour : Yellow
7. Something you wear : Y-shape-underwear
8. A food : Yoke-egg
9. Something found in the bathroom : Yellow rubber duck
10. A place : Yamaha
11. A reason for being late : Y so early??nevermind to be late as long as i reach...
12. Something you shout : Yamate~~!!...hehexz...>__<''
13. A movie title : Yes Man!!
14. Something you drink :.....=__=
15. A musical group : Yellowcard
16. An animal : Yak
17. A street name : York Road
18. A type of car : no at all....
19. A song title : You'll Be In My Heart[Tarzan]
20. A verb : Yawn
I TAG : All friend in my list..~~!!!!


nonono..!! lazy to do tag d..!! hahahahahaha!!


so hard..
i use dictionary to find the word..haha..