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Kiss Tha RAIN

ferdinand down grade to O'SHEA?!?!....wtf**

the day so bright~~!!!......nice huh???
well~~~.....decide to play football after came back from INTI....
since last year sem2 till now i ignore my loving football bcoz of my favorite basketball...
i tot can play well after a few months didnt come back to football field....manatau...................
all missed.....passing misssed.....defend missed.....shooting out target.......
arrrgghhhhh!!!!.......Ferdinand bcum O'SHEA de lar......ferdinand's soul pls cum back~~
RAIN pulak!!!!.....lik yinz said....xin xue lai chao can play a great match but end up raining n my leg pain.....bcum sub.......haixz.........

hope my defend skills wont get tat low lar>.<....next sat still ON for FOOTBALL....ignore BASKELBALLLLLL!!!!!...................


walaoe..!! hahahaha.. now wana train back liao hor? chill lar.. next week Oshea become ferdinand..!! hahahaxx


haixzhaixz....wan to train back lar...but i hav no boots...
cant play oso...