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Kiss Tha RAIN

wongu jingu chienu ' s BIRD-day

proceed to birthday boy's house this morning...
n when we met him..
he still in pyjamas.....his face.....steam..=__+**
we ask him....
"u alone now...??"
and he replied us
"no...my dad still sleeping...."

oh welll......so we lower our voice n keep quiet.....
go into his house so softly n saw his cute little bro playing DOTA...
after a few mins his father came back....
he went out to buy their breakfast.....
but wong still dunno where he went.....

a big pillow cake from us....
we ask him to store it in refrigerator...but failed....

a real cake...bought b4 go to his house....

although not really a surprise party..but we did enjoy much lar...