dunno y lar..
2day many sad case happened..
one Malay salesman came to my shop 2day..
i think he only 22 years..
he keep asking me n the other promoter to buy his product..
tat manager was beside me tooo..
my manager told him we all dunwan to buy n just leave the shop..
but he just keep asking...ask n ask again...
my manager quite hot tat time..
start to highering his voice..
end up they argue..
10 min they argue..n just non-stop..
after a while..3 security guards came to my shop..
1 of the biggest size grab the malays shirt n questioned him..
i shocked when he punch the malays stomach n said..
" u gangster..i dulu oso gangster!!!"
the malay keep shouting "adui adui!!!"..
he cant do anything..
i totally paralyzed n open my mouth till so big..
the malay guy was took away by the guard n dunno where they go..
after a manager came n say they all r at balai..
so serious..>.<
the guy just working due on their responsibility..this is his duty..y wanna lik tat??
quite pity to tat guy..=.=