a wonderful day for them..
a promise for whole life.. a bombardstic party for me..
Happy New Year!!
Good Luck!!
n Merry Christmas!!!~~
1st of all...1 word to describe my mood today.."SIAO"
all my cousin attend this wedding partay..
and we just like...
main boys n girls charactersss of this wedding..O.0
our voices can boom down the building..
for example 1..
when the 1st food is serve ..
me n my cousins can clean all in 10 seconds...
imagin tat a big plate of stuffs being seize...grab...snatch...rob by 11ppl in 10seconds..
lik a group of begger found a bag of gold..
once the waiter leave his hand from the plate..
all of us stand up n start to use our chopstick to take the food..
within 5seconds...half gone...=.=
take 2...
c the ceremony of this..↓normally the 1st part is all the elder member of the family go to the stage n..
we shout"yammMMMMMM....yammmyammmmyammmm.........."
"SENG...................~~~"....isn't it???
ya...true...n we did tat...
after tat...the couple come to table 1 by 1 n kind of congratss to them...
again...from the 1st table..."yammmmyammmmyammmmSENGGGG~~!!!!!"
2nd table...."yammmmyammmYAMMMMSENGGGGGGGGGGGG~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
they louder....then 3rd table more even louder....after tat 4th..then 5th....
...louder n louder...
until our kidss turn....
we r not the loser....we shout oso....
we r the champion tat night...we boom down the building...
as i say...
nobody will win us....
the ppl who sit next to us...they shout lik kena rape...
damn...i run till toilet n laugh whole night... at night...
my family n all my cousin went NEW WORLD..
capture pic n joy..
[pic]down dere...were my elder cousin...
from left...shin...kelvin...jun...n DEVIL YIK!!!haha...this...with my ♥grandma..all hers grandson+grandaughter were here to take pic..
and this...all my little cousin...
......X'MAS cuming........
(the ♥bridge and the bridegroom♥ is HERE)Hey man,look wat are you typing??BRIDGE means JAMBATAN la!!!Do you mean bride????Change ur spelling.You make me laugh!!!Hahaha...
paiseh...typing error lar..
typr too fast mar...
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